Week 3 of our new Sermon Series IN THE WILDERNESS
Catch up with the previous two weeks
Catch up with the previous two weeks
Sharing in the Vision and Values of Christ’s people worshiping here at St Saviours Worship – Growing UP
LIVING IN GRACE & TRUTH Many of us are aware of the ongoing discussions in the C of E around marriage, sexuality and identity, and the house of bishops’ recent proposals for church blessings of same-sex marriages. Our clergy and PCC have given this a lot of thought and prayer; and been asked about our […]
Sundays sermon, the first in a series on the Gospel of John is available to listen to or download under the downloads tab
You can find a short update from Nick & Cathrine following Nicks Heart Surgery on our Mission Partners page. There is a link to Cathrines Blog which has a bit more about what’s been going on which you can also find on the page and here
You can read online here or copies avaialble in church
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday (often now called Pancake Day – the old idea being to use up luxury foods the day before Ash Wednesday so that the kitchens would be bare for the period of Lent). Ash Wednesday starts the Lent period of prayer and reflection. Lent […]
You can find the link to read and download our latest news sheet here Copies will also be available in Church
St Saviours will be open Saturday 10.00 – 4.00 as part of the Heritage Open Days. There will be an area for quiet prayer, contemplation and rememberance along with a Book of Condolences. We also warmly invite you to join us at our 9.30am Service on Sunday. Gracious God, we give thanks for the […]