Sadly the news is not good.
The government in South Africa have closed the border into Mozambique. The monthly delivery of Medical aid which was on route had to return to the Mercia depot. Alison was expecting masks , gloves and other essential equipment. This has left them with few resources to keep them and others safe.
They spent the day yesterday gathering rags to fashion into masks and long arm mittens. They have no elastic to make them tightly fitting.
They have received some much needed advice about how to care for anyone who contracts Covid 19 including turning patients hourly to prevent build up of fluid on their lungs as there are no ventilators available. Alison and Leanne are practicing these techniques and teaching others in readiness for a spread of the virus. Alison and Leanne are putting much thought into the safety of others and protection for themselves.
Isolation is impossible in the village as it is not culturally normal but the living conditions make it impossible. The only food available is what people can grow locally.
At present there are only 2 known cases in Mozambique ( one of whom is someone who recently returned from the UK ) but as we know only too well the figure is likely to be much higher. Despite all this Alison and Leanne are described as being in good heart and are working hard to prepare for the future whatever that may hold.
So what can we do ….
We can all join in daily prayer for Alison ,Leanne and the family for their protection and safety at this difficult time.
As services are not taking place the Standing Committee has agreed to make, in the first instance 3 average payments to maintain our support. So a cheque will be paid into Alison’s account for £195.
If anyone would like to make an additional donation please contact our Treasurer Lesley Thulbourne on 0114 2846335 or 07805775917. She will give you the bank details if you can internet bank or you can put your donation into an envelope through her door.
Please reference any internet transfers A Greaves Donation . Likewise mark your envelope similarly.
Lesley asks that donations are not coins to prevent unnecessary trips to the bank as she can deposit notes and cheques through the deposit system avoiding face to face contact.
Thank you
Lesley Thulbourne