Many of us are aware of the ongoing discussions in the C of E around marriage, sexuality and identity, and the house of bishops’ recent proposals for church blessings of same-sex marriages. Our clergy and PCC have given this a lot of thought and prayer; and been asked about our own position in relation to this. That’s why the PCC has affirmed our determination to live in both grace and truth. We want to be a truly welcoming church family, offering Christ’s love to all, not least those who are LGBTI+. We also joyfully accept Christ’s call to Christian marriage and sexual holiness, whatever our identity or sexual orientation. If you’d like to know more about what that means, or have questions you’d like to ask, we’re holding a special evening jointly with St. John’s on Tues 6th June at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre on Housley Park. It will be a mixture of listening to what the Bible has to say, and bringing our honest questions. Everyone is very welcome.