Welcome to men@SSC, home page for all your information about St Saviours Men’s Group.
Want to know what we believe or more about this Jesus bloke we follow?
How we cope in a world at war with God?
Just want to have some fun?
We’re a group of men with a connection, however loose, to St Saviour’s Church, Christian and not. We meet most Wednesdays at 7.30 till 9.00pm.
We try something different each Wednesday of the month making it easier to just ‘drop in’ when you want…………
1st a chance to join us for discussions on ‘The meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything’ usually prompted by the previous Sunday’s Sermon!
2nd again quesions raised by the previous Sunday’s Sermon but additionally we pray for each other, the church and the wider community.
If you’d like us to pray for you or anything in particular, please e-mail us on men@stsaviours.info.
3rd – Social event: usually involving food or drink or even both! Please contact us for details of the next event.
4th – Practical/Working Evening (summer): we hope to do some of the jobs in and around church that always need doing.
5th – An Occasional Social/Entertainment/Film Night
The dates and events are provisional so please contact us if you are planning to come – just to make sure we haven’t changed our minds!!